We’ve hit the 30 week mark! Squirts arrival will be here before we know it. Yesterday, Kayla and I had an all day Child Birth Preparation class. We learned more than we ever wanted to know about the whole birthing process. I really wish they would have put some sort of disclaimer before a few of the videos we watched. Some of them got down right gruesome! 🙂 But, we left feeling much more confident about what is to come. Oh, and there is much more learning to be had. We have plenty more classes including Baby Essentials, Becoming Parents, Breast Feeding, and Daddy Boot-camp. Good times! We’ve bought the furniture and paint for the nursery so it looks like we’ll be able to finish up the room next weekend. Even though I probably should have been doing something more constructive like cleaning the house, taking down the Christmas lights, or getting ready for work, I made this rock’n sock monkey for my little…monkey.