47 Weeks

Adalyn surprised us this morning before we got out of bed.  As usual Addy was the first to rise and she couldn’t wait to crawl over to Daddy and wake him up by pinching and drumming on his face.  Haha…Works every time!  But when she realized that Daddy wasn’t ready to get up she decided she’ll just get out of bed herself.  She took one look over the edge, turned her body 180 degrees and went over feet first!  Landed like she had been doing it for years.  I couldn’t believe it.  Adalyn constantly surprises us.  We just don’t know what to expect next and of course we couldn’t be more proud.



Stand Up

We purchased Adalyn an Activity Table, in hopes of getting her on her feet a little more.  So far it has worked like a charm.  She adores all of the different lights and sounds each button and knob makes and she cruises around the table like a pro.  Sometimes she forgets  she is holding on to the table and will clap or play with her toys unassisted!  It’s usually only for a moment but nevertheless it makes mommy and daddy’s heart jump when we see her do that.   🙂  Oh, and I know we teased about some news we have to tell in the previous post, but we’re not quite ready to spill the beans just yet.  We’ll let the cat out of the bag soon!


Bath Time and Clinic News

OK, the image below has NOTHING to do with our Clinic appointment today.  But, it’s waaaaay too cute not to post.  Alright, now that I’ve got that out of my system, I’d like to journal our exciting Clinic experience we had today.  For those of you new to the blog, Adalyn “goes to Clinic” once a quarter.  It’s 3-6 hours of  Mommy, Daddy, and Addy all sitting in a room at Children’s Health Care of Atlanta while their entire Cystic Fibrosis Team come in one-by-one and examine our little girl.  We see a Social Worker, a Nutritionist, a Tech to take weight and measurements, a Pulmonologist, Pharmacist, Repratory Therapist, Gastroenterologist, and a Nurse that processes throat cultures and administers labs.   We’ve seen these kind folks once a quarter since Adalyn was born and we’ll continue seeing them until she’s an adult.  As you can imagine, these people are like extended family to us.  They laugh with us, they cry with us, and they just can’t get enough of Adalyn.  Today was an especially interesting visit.  Addy’s GI doctor noticed that she is on the lowest possible dose of Creon, an enzyme supplement she takes with every meal that helps her body process fat.  Usually by the time infants begin eating some solid foods the dosage needs to be increased.  A healthy individual’s pancreas secretes these enzymes naturally.  However, with CF patients, their pancreas can often get clogged with sticky mucus blocking the enzymes from being deposited into the digestive system.  A good indication as to whether or not the enzyme is working is by counting how many times Adalyn “goes number 2” a day.  An average of twice a day is what we’re shooting for.  Interestingly, Adalyn seems to be thriving on her current miniscule dosage.  The Gastroenterologist has even ordered us a stool examination to see if we can quit enzymes all together!  This is SUCH a big deal to us.  While it’s become our norm to break open these pills and pour them out on some applesauce for Addy to eat before EVERY meal, being able to cut this routine out of our lives would save us so much time and hassle.   Especially when we’re out on the road or on vacation.  Quitting enzymes would also mean we would get to quit the Prilosec she takes twice a day as well.  Prilosec, in Addy’s case, simply helps the enzymes do their job better.  That would only leave us with the twice a day Chest Physical Therapy and fat soluble vitamins to administer.  I don’t know what we would do with all that extra time we would save.  Probably just take more pictures.  🙂



Adalyn loves her some Cheerios!  Kayla and I have read differing opinions as to whether or not this classic cereal should be given to infants.  On the one hand some say it promotes independence and hand-to-mouth coordination.  While others argue that the ingredients that make up the cereal are not optimal for a baby’s diet.  If you have an opinion, we’d love to hear it.  Drop us a comment using the link above.  In the meantime, here’s a few images of Adalyn devouring her snack.  Oh, and no, she didn’t get a whole bowl.  That was for Daddy.  🙂







10 Months

It’s crazy to think Adalyn is 10 months old.  We’re already starting to get a plan together as to how we’re going to celebrate the big 1 year mark.  Our little stinker is constantly moving and she’s oh so close to walking.  I’m consistently finding it harder to get good photos of her as she refuses to pause for even a second.  She’s saying a few “words” regularly like Dada and Mama, she waves bye to people, can point to facial features when asked, and LOVES to “dance” to music.  It’s so much fun watching her grow and learn.  She’s even signed up for classes at The Little Gym.  She sure had a blast at her introductory session.  Adalyn is definitely a social butterfly, unlike her Mom and Dad.  She had no problem ditching Mama and crawling off to play with all the other children.  We can’t wait to see what the next few months bring.

10 months old-1

Splish Splash

Buh-bye sink!  I can’t say we’ll miss you.  The tub is so much more fun for everyone.  Adalyn gets to splash around in the water and play with her new bath toys while Mommy and Daddy take pictures that will surely one day cause much embarrassment for our little girl.  Hahaha…


42 Weeks

The New Year is almost here!  I can’t believe it.  2012 has flown by and with it has come some of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had.  Not only that but even the experiences I HAVE had before seem brand new when looking at them through Adalyn’s eyes.  Kayla and I couldn’t be more proud of our little girl.  Cystic Fibrosis has luckily been kept at bay this first year and we will continue to do everything we can to keep our little girl healthy and happy.  She brings so much joy into our lives and I often find myself wondering what we used to do before she came into our world.  Then my in-laws come and give us a date night and I remember.  LOL!   We wouldn’t change it for the world!

42 weeks b