Catch Air

So while all of our babysitters are enjoying themselves in Vegas the Crew has decided to take a little stay-cation for ourselves.  We started things off with a trip to Catch Air.  It took Adalyn a few minutes to warm up but after she saw other kiddos running, jumping, sliding, and riding on all the things the playground had to offer, she just wouldn’t stop.  Good times.










Adalyn Turns Two

We can’t believe our baby girl has turned the big 0-2!  Adalyn is sweet, independent, smart, beautiful, and funny.  She amazes us everyday and we couldn’t be more proud.  We threw a small party at our house to celebrate her birthday and she had a ball.  She certainly enjoyed being the center of attention, not that she isn’t any other day… 🙂  Kayla and I had an absolute blast getting to see her interact with our family and friends.  We want to give a big THANK YOU to everyone for coming out our way and making the party such a success.  Young or Old-er, she captured the hearts of everyone she talked to.  I mean look at these pictures…How cute is she?!  😉

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These Guys

We’re super glad Dad and Karen got to make it down our way this past weekend.  Your help and company are always greatly appreciated!  Love you guys!  Isn’t Hunter’s expression hilarious in this first one?


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