80 Weeks

After Adalyn’s quarterly Clinic, where she was cooped up in a hospital room for hours, we took her to the park to release some of that pent up energy.  Just for the record, it’s a total coincidence that the photos look as though Adalyn is modeling an outfit Daddy picked out and bought for her last week (so proud of myself).  🙂

80 Weeks

80 Weeks-1-5-b


2 thoughts on “80 Weeks

  1. cute clothes- did you give her any choices when picking them out? If not, you better get ready for that real soon. How did the clinic go? Any results yet? See you Saturday when I plan to get a Hosta start finally. Karen

  2. Adalyn is such a beautiful girl, and I bet she takes after her parents 😛
    I miss you guys already, hopefully I will see you again soon.

    Love ya!

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