Weekend Update

We just wanted to update our friends and family of all the latest happenings with the ‘ol Crew.  First off is Adalyn:  She’s been doing great since starting her treatments.  She’s finished up her oral antibiotic and is plowing through the rest of her TOBI like a trooper.  She’s seemed to have gotten over her cough and is sounding/breathing like normal.  She’s showing no signs of being sick and, in fact, she’s been chock full of energy these past few days.  Hopefully things will continue the way they’re going and by September 7th when she goes back to Clinic to get tested, she’ll be pseudomonas free!  We’re certainly keeping our fingers crossed!  Unfortunately, our trip to the Botanical Gardens was rained out this weekend, but that didn’t stop us from playing outside in the yard.  Adalyn got into all sorts of trouble running around in the rain picking up flowers (weeds) and playing in the mud puddles.

Second update: we’re finally coming to the end of our house hunt.  We are set to close on our house September 3rd and we’ve narrowed the home we want to buy down to two.  We are going to revisit one of them tomorrow evening and plan on making our decision afterwards.  Exciting stuff!

Final update: Baby boy is doing great.  He’s measuring about 4-5 days ahead of schedule and the doctor advised us that he doesn’t see any need for Kayla to continue to come in weekly for a check up.  His heart looks healthy and the blood flow to his brain appears to be normal.  We thank everyone who’s been thinking about and praying for our family.  We greatly appreciate it!

That’s all for the weekend update.  I’ll close with a few pictures of Adalyn finally noticing the vapor that comes out of her nebulizer.  It kept her attention for a little while.  Until she found her foot, that is.  Silly girl.




