How do we celebrate Vetrens Day? First, we thank all those who have fought in the service of our country ensuring our safety and freedom…
Then we play!
How do we celebrate Vetrens Day? First, we thank all those who have fought in the service of our country ensuring our safety and freedom…
Then we play!
35 Weeks! Let’s see…what’s new with Adalyn… Well, she’s making Mommy and Daddy extremely nervous by pulling up on EVERYTHING. She’s really starting to react to certain words like jump, kiss, hi, and bye. She’s got more teeth coming in. She’s started to rebel from her CPT. So, we caved and now let her watch a little TV while she suffers through it. She’s crawling everywhere…not quite the typical crawl but more of an Army crawl. She claps when she gets excited.
Oh, and I don’t think it’s possible that we could adore her anymore than we do.
Looks like it’s time to lower the crib mattress!
Kalydeco Wins The Wall Street Journal’s 2012 Technology Innovation Award for Medicine and Biotech. Wow, the Crew wants to thank Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for all their hard work and perseverance. Adalyn’s future is looking blindingly bright because of you. I also want to thank all of our blog readers that have clicked the “Cure Me” link above and have donated. It means the world to us when people donate in Addy’s name. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much! We’re extremly excited to what the future holds.
Well, Adalyn is officially a world traveler. The Crew just got back from a fantastic four day cruise to Cozumel. While mother nature was going awry here on the East Coast, we were enjoying the warm weather and beautiful water Mexico has to offer. Adalyn got the full beach experience at Mr. Sancho’s. I can’t say that she was a fan of the ocean waves hitting her legs but she did like the music, pool, and squishy sand between her toes. We don’t expect anyone but the closest of friends and family to sit through the three minute (24 seconds) video below, but I’m so glad we have this experience documented. We’ll certainly treasure this in the years to come.
After just getting back from our vacation, getting unpacked, doing chores around the house, and getting the candy ready we realized we had about an hour to carve the pumpkins before the trick-or-treat-ers showed up! So, we scrambled to get the pumpkins carved and on the porch as fast as we could. Luckily, no one lost a finger and no blood was drawn. Whew! Here’s a short home video of the shenanigans.
Happy Halloween everyone! We’re back from vacation and are in full on trick-or-treat mode. Little ghouls and ghosts are knocking down our door in search of some scrumptious candy. Luckily we’ve got Addy manning the door to keep us safe. Oh, speaking of Addy, look who sprouted some teeth! I couldn’t really get a great still image of those pearly whites. I mean, I kept telling Addy to stop and give me a great big grin but she just wouldn’t listen. So, I put the camera in movie mode and took a still from the video it produced. Worked like a charm!
Kayla and I had grand plans for Adalyn’s first Halloween costume picture. We (Mommy and Daddy) were super excited about the prospect of driving our little girl to Smyrna Square while the sun sets to catch some golden back-light, creating the PERFECT atmosphere for our baby’s first costumed cameo. Adalyn would be looking oh so cute all dressed up in her owl costume and we’d capture some great looking images of her while mommy made her laugh by dancing, singing, and just acting goofy. But, as Mommy and Daddy tend to forget, WE are not in charge. Adalyn is. Unfortunately she didn’t find her costume as cute and amusing as we did. Kayla was able to get Addy in the suit part of the outfit ok but the owl hood was a different story. We thought that since she doesn’t seem to mind hats that she wouldn’t have a problem. Boy were we wrong. After placing the hood on Addy’s head I had about 1-2 seconds to capture an image of Adalyn before she would protest in a very un-ladylike fashion. Oh well, I’m glad we did a test run before we actually packed up and rolled out across town. Well played Adalyn… You win…This time…
Today was Adalyn’s quarterly Clinic appointment. We always have such mixed emotions about the day long “Doctor-Palooza.” On the one hand we’re apprehensive about the stress of it all: getting there on time, making sure we brought plenty of entertainment, food, drinks, diaper bag, etc. Then on the other hand we can’t wait to hear how Addy’s health and statistics are stacking up. We love hearing what percentile her height (51st %), weight (75th %), and head size (97th %) are. But, at this appointment we were especially worried because we knew that Adalyn was scheduled to get her blood drawn. YIKES! However, like always, we were blown away at how the staff at Children’s handled the situation. The numbing cream they used before they took the 5 viles of blood was pure MAGIC! The needle didn’t seem to bother Adalyn at all. She only became squirmy when she got tired of laying in the same spot too long. We are so thankful everything went as well as it did. I guess we don’t have to worry about our next Clinic appointment until next year! Yay!
I can’t believe it, but Adalyn will be crawling before we know it! So, today, Kayla recommended that we capture Addy in her current scoot mode. I don’t know about you, but I think this has got to be one of the best ways to spend 30 seconds of your time.