Thank goodness this year no one was trapped in their car on I-75 overnight…on their birthday…in the cold… NOPE! It was all smiles and snow flakes this year. Adalyn and Hunter couldn’t get enough play time outside and I don’t think Hunter even slowed down long enough for me to get a good picture. Good times.
New Hairdo
Hunter and Adalyn both got their first haircuts today! Adalyn’s was more of a trim but Hunter’s really changed the way he looks. He’s starting to look more and more like a little boy than a little baby. That makes Mommy and Daddy a little sad…and a little excited too. I’ll post more pictures of the haircut shenanigans soon.
Thank You Choate BTS
Happy Valentine’s Day everybody! After we took the kids to The Children’s Museum of Atlanta we had a quick photo shoot for a Re-Introduction/Thank You card we’re making for our Choate Construction family. We’re super excited and grateful to have been asked to be Choate Construction’s CF ambassador family again! Choate has played a huge role year after year in the fundraising efforts during the CF Great Strides campaign and we can’t wait to help be a part of it again this year. I won’t post the final photo we used for the card (yet). But here is a quick behind-the-scenes shot I took of Adalyn. Oh and of course Hunter wasn’t far from all the action. He just wouldn’t stay still long enough for a proper photo. Oh well.
Hunter and the Elephant
Too funny.
Ms Potato Head
Adalyn is a little under the weather today. But Mr. Potato head was able to get a few giggles out of her.
The Flash
Thought I would at least ATTEMPT to get a picture of Hunter before his first hair cut. He and Adalyn will be sharing this experience together shortly. Unfortunately he doesn’t stay still as long as he used to. I had to set the camera to burst mode to get this action shot.
Naughty and Nice
Okay, I know I’ve been naughty about updating the blog. But with all the great company, amazing food, and running around that the holidays bring we’ve just been swamped! Needless to say, we ate way too much, the kids received way too many presents, and we took our Christmas decorations down way too late! Haha…I guess you could call Christmas a success. Thought I would at least post one of the pictures of the kiddos with Santa. I’ll do my best to get back on some sort of blog-updating schedule now that things have settled down.
Stone Mountain Christmas 2014
A few pictures of Adalyn playing in the leaves at Stone Mountain.
No Pants, No Shirt, No Problem
Grand-Pop and Grandma Karen stopped by for an early Christmas visit this year. The kids lucked out and got to open some really nice gifts. One of which was a mean hog, er motorcycle, that Adalyn has named, “Huggable.”