I never had a problem deleting the “bad” ones…Until I started taking pictures of my daughter.
Three Frames With Papa
Daddy Daughter Day
Today was mommy’s first day back to work. Granna was scheduled to watch Adalyn but was unexpectedly called in for jury duty. 🙁 So, it was up to good ‘ol Dad to take care of Addy. Here’s her initial reaction to hearing the news:
But after some love
and some bribery
she came around
Thanks for such a great day Addy.
Stinker in the Tub
Look who was being cheeky during her bath. Every time that water got near her face she tried to drink it. Silly girl. 🙂
12 Weeks
3 months! We can hardly believe it. Addy has grown so much these past few weeks. With each day our love grows with her. We’re so proud.
Addy Meets the Captain
Memorial Day Dance
At the end of our Memorial Day cookout, after almost everyone had gone home, Addy decided to entertain us with a little dance.
11 Week Deets
Laugh a Little
Addy was obviously entertained by Uncle Cameron’s shenanigans.
Great Strides 2012
Wow, what a day. We came, we strode, we conquered. Today was our family’s first Great Strides walk and I can’t tell you what a fantastic time we had. The weather was beautiful and the scenery of the GA Tech campus was awesome. The sheer number of people who showed up to show their support to finding a cure to Cystic Fibrosis was phenomenal. The energy was buzzing, making that three mile walk feel like one. Ok, maybe not on that last hill, but still! I can definitely see how families can make an entire day out of the event. Tents were everywhere, kids were playing games, people chowed down on Jim N Nick’s BBQ, cooled off with snow-cones, and danced around to live music.
I want to send a big shout out to all the people who showed up to walk with us and support our team, Solid Giving Back. Thank you so much for being there and giving your time and energy for our little girl and the thousands of other CF patients. We love you guys! To those of you who couldn’t make it, thank you for your donations and words of encouragement. It means the world to us having such great friends and family.
It was announced that GA raised over $1.08 million! The most in the NATION! Our team ended up contributing over $6k! Which I think is super strong for our debut. 🙂 Next year we’ll shoot for the $10k mark and earn that tent.
Adalyn made an appearance at the walk but quickly complained of a “pulled hammy” and had to sit out of the event with Mommy and Granna (kidding she was just fussy). Hopefully next year she’ll remember to limber up before attempting the three mile hike. Kayla and I had to leave pretty quickly after the walk portion of the event and I hate that we couldn’t spend more time getting to know our “online” friends, like the Butler Family of team Peter’s Pavement Pounders. If you haven’t checked out their site, it’s a great CF resource and Marchet is quite the photographer. Unfortunately our mentors Allan and Tabitha, weren’t able to make the walk but we hope everyone is doing well and we’ll catch up soon!
Thanks again to all of our family and friends for making this such a successful day. We look forward to doing this again next year even bigger and better!