Happy 4th Everyone!
This Just In
Nice Shot
Hey, look who’s picture made it on the cover of BoxLife Magazine?! I took this image back in 2010 of my then personal trainer, Megan May. Since then Megan has been taking the East Coast by storm as a CrossFit trainer and Evangelist. She’s such a great person inside and out and deserves all the success that has come her way. I wish her and her family all the best and I hope we run into each other again soon.
Toy Time
Yummy Tutu
16 Weeks! There have been lots of changes going on with our little princess. She’s gaining weight like a champ (75th percentile!), she’s cooing and giggling, she’s reaching out for things, and just about everything she touches goes straight to her mouth. It’s been so much fun watching her grow and thrive. We have clinic next month, and we’re hoping to get the “green light” again this visit. We’re just going to keep doing what we’re doing and hope for the best.