The Crew is preparing for liftoff… Err, moving day at least. We’re super excited as we’ve received final confirmation that we are scheduled to close on our new house this coming Friday. We’ll spend all day Saturday and Sunday moving and hopefully have some time leftover on Monday to relax and enjoy our new diggs. I am so glad we were able to find a place we can call home before baby boy arrives. Hopefully he’ll take after mommy and decide NOT to arrive early (Ouch! Just kidding honey!). This weekend we took advantage of the tax-free offerings on energy star appliances and bought a fridge, washer, and dryer. The other appliances were included in the new home. Hmm…speaking of the new house, I guess we won’t reside at Lakeview anymore…maybe I should think of another name for the blog… Any thoughts?
Addy by Window Light (81 Weeks)
North GA Fair 2013
First of all, I want to send out a big THANK YOU to Dad and Karen for coming down and helping get things in order with our home. The sink looks great and I think any potential buyers will think the same. After tooling around the house on Saturday we decided to take Adalyn to the North GA State Fair Sunday afternoon. She’s still a little too young to really enjoy everything the Fair has to offer but she had a great time watching the animal shows and getting all sorts of germs at the petting zoo.
80 Weeks
After Adalyn’s quarterly Clinic, where she was cooped up in a hospital room for hours, we took her to the park to release some of that pent up energy. Just for the record, it’s a total coincidence that the photos look as though Adalyn is modeling an outfit Daddy picked out and bought for her last week (so proud of myself).
J and J Visit
Adalyn got a sweet surprise when Uncle Jim and Aunt Joanie stopped by for a visit.
Back To The Grind
We’ve had so much fun during our vacation we hate to see it come to an end. But we had a special visitor stop by to help soften the blow. Uncle William swung by to pay us a visit during his annual military leave. It’s always good to see Will and as you can tell from the pictures below, Adalyn adored him. We’re crossing our fingers he gets his promotion and is stationed closer to us so we can see him more often. A year is just too darn long to have to wait to see family.
Scuba Smooch
To round off our vacation, and in keeping with the water theme, we took Adalyn to the Georgia Aquarium. It’s crazy to look back at the last time we took Adalyn to an aquarium and see how much she’s changed. She was a mere 4 months old and could only enjoy the action from Mommy or Daddy’s arms. But this time, she ran around, banged on glass (the attendants loved that), “talked” to all the fishes she saw, and tried her best to get the attention of all the other little kids scurrying around. Oh, and she ADORED the dolphin show, getting excited every time a dolphin danced on top of or flipped out of the water. In the animation below, I caught a diver swimming around one of the tanks blowing Adalyn a kiss. You could see the shock in the diver’s face when Adalyn blew her a kiss back. It was adorable.
Pool Bunny
The pool at the Sonesta Resort turned out to be perfect. I have a whole new respect for zero entry pools. They are fantastic for people with little kids. Adalyn was able to walk, okay run, right into the shallow end and play with the three miniature spray nozzles that the hotel called kiddie features (ha!). I can’t be too snarky though. Like the sand on the beach, they provided hours of entertainment for our little fish.
Beach Bunny
Adalyn surprised Mommy and Daddy by how much she loved playing at the beach this trip. Until now, she really hasn’t been very enthusiastic when it came to playing in the surf and sand. Boy have things changed. She could have sat there for hours (and she did) just scooping up fist fulls of sand, squeezing them as hard as she could, and then throwing them into the water. She did this over and over only stopping when a seagull caught her attention. She never did catch that bird. But it wasn’t from lack of trying. I never knew those little legs could move so fast.
Between Pool Time and Beach Time
We’ve been hitting the pool in the mornings and the beach in the evenings. If Adalyn had her way, we would never leave either one. She is having an absolute blast playing in the sand at the beach and the kiddie-fountains around the pool. More pics to come soon. In the meantime, I was able to wrangle her up for a little Addy Daddy time.