Shots Stink

Hunter had his two month pediatric check up last week.  Unfortunately, with this visit came shots.  The little guy initially reacted as you would expect, crying briefly until being held and comforted by mommy.  But all-in-all he seemed fine afterward.  On the ride home he even fell asleep.  Adalyn went with mommy to the doctor’s visit and was an angel as well.  The worst wouldn’t happen until after they all got home and Hunter woke up.  He was inconsolable.  He appeared to be in a lot of pain and didn’t want anything to do with a bottle, a SURE sign something wasn’t right.  Kayla immediately called the doctor and was advised that this is “normal” and that some kids have mild reactions to the shots but that it would all go away soon.  Kayla called me at work and let me know what was going on.  I could hear Hunter crying in the background.  I immediately left work to come and help but by the time I got there Hunter seemed to have calmed down.  He was sleeping good by then but I could tell Kayla had a hard time getting him that way.  Luckily Hunter’s mood only improved and by the next morning he was back to his happy mellow self again. Adalyn has always taken shots like a champ.  As a matter of fact, the last series of shots she got, she didn’t even cry?!  It was shocking to see Hunter so uncomfortable.  Especially since we weren’t used to shots having this kind of effect.  Just goes to show how each kid is different.  But, at the same time, it really keeps things interesting!  🙂
